Gross Pay Salary Calculator

Gross Pay Salary Calculator

Annual Salary:
Pay Periods per Year:
Overtime Pay:
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Gross Pay Salary Formula:

Gross Pay = ( Salary / Pay Periods ) + Overtime + Commission + Bonuses

Gross Pay Salary Definition

People who want to calculate their total yearly gross pay earnings can use an online Gross Pay Salary Calculator. The free calculator enables employees to calculate correct total gross salary earnings based on pay periods, overtime pay, commissions and bonuses.

Also check out the Gross to Net Pay Calculator!

Enter the Annual Salary Amount

  • The annual salary is the total gross amount earned for the entire year.
  • The gross salary is the amount of earnings before the withholding of taxes.
  • Enter the annual salary into the Annual Salary box.

The next step in using the Gross Pay Salary Calculator is to enter the number of pay periods per year into the appropriate box. Pay periods typically occur weekly, semi-weekly, bi-monthly or monthly.

Add up the Total Number of Pay Periods During the Year

  1. Keep paycheck stubs to enable the correct calculation of total yearly pay periods.
  2. Count all of the paycheck stubs.
  3. Add up the total number of paycheck stubs
  4. Enter the correct number of paycheck stubs into the Pay Periods Per Year box

Now, calculate the amount of overtime pay received on each paycheck. Overtime pay equals additional earnings paid at a higher rate than standard earnings.

Calculate the Total Amount of Overtime Pay

  • Overtime pay is listed on each paycheck stub in its own category.
  • Add up the overtime pay that appears on each paycheck stub.
  • Enter the total amount of overtime pay for the year into the Overtime Pay box.

Next, calculate the total commission earnings received throughout the year. Commission earnings include extra money earned from selling products. People who sell insurance policies and vehicles typically receive commissions, but other fields may also apply.

  1. View paycheck stubs to find out if commissions were received during the year.
  2. Add up the total amount of commission earnings.
  3. Enter the correct total into the Commission Box.

The last step is to add the total number of yearly bonuses into the Bonuses Box. Bonuses include additional earnings for outstanding work performance. After completing all of the above steps, click the Calculate Button to obtain the total gross pay earned during any given year.



How to Calculate Gross Pay Salary

Let's be honest - sometimes the best gross pay salary calculator is the one that is easy to use and doesn't require us to even know what the gross pay salary formula is in the first place! But if you want to know the exact formula for calculating gross pay salary then please check out the "Formula" box above.

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You can get a free online gross pay salary calculator for your website and you don't even have to download the gross pay salary calculator - you can just copy and paste! The gross pay salary calculator exactly as you see it above is 100% free for you to use. If you want to customize the colors, size, and more to better fit your site, then pricing starts at just $29.99 for a one time purchase. Click the "Customize" button above to learn more!